63-3 ancient tribes in Illyria Pannonia ROMAn PROVINCE DURING HADRIAN

List of ancient tribes in Illyria
This is a list of ancient tribes in the ancient territory of Illyria (Ancient Greek: Ἰλλυρία). The name Illyrians seems to be the name of a single Illyrian tribe that was the first to come into contact with the ancient Greeks, causing the name Illyrians to be applied to all people of similar language and customs.[1] The locations of Illyrian tribes/peoples prior to the Roman conquest are approximate, as sometimes many wholly different locations are given by ancient writers and modern authors (as in the case of the Encheleans).
After the Great Illyrian Revolt, the Romans deported,[2] split,[3] and resettled Illyrian tribes within Illyria itself and to Dacia, sometimes causing whole tribes to vanish and new ones to be formed from their remains, such as the Deraemestae and the Docleatae, some of them mixed with Celtic tribes (see Celticization). Many tribal names are known from Roman civitates and the number of theirdecuriae,[4] formed of the dispersed tribes in Illyria.
Main article: Albanoi
Albani or Albanoi (Greek: Ἀλβανοί) were an Illyrian tribe whose first historical account appears in a work of Ptolemy,[5] the citizens of Albanopolis (Ἀλβανόπολις), in the region lying to the east of the Ionian sea, and in the center of modern Albania, near the city of Krujë. The name of modern Albanians comes from this tribe.[clarification needed]
Main article: Ardiaei
Ardiaei or Ouardiaei (Greek Ἀρδιαῖοι or Οὐαρδαῖοι; Latin Vardiaei[6]), was an Illyrian tribe, residing inland,[7] that eventually settled[8] on the Adriatic coast. The Ardiaei had 20 decuriae. The Ardiaean dynasty ruled over the Illyrian Kingdom.
Main article: Autariatae
Autariatae or Autariates (Greek Αὐταριάται) was an Illyrian tribe that became prominent between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. The tribe had been Celticized
Bathiatae[10] was an Illyrian tribe.
Bylliones (Greek Βυλλίονες) was an Illyrian tribe[11] They were affected by a partial cultural Hellenisation.[12]
Deretini or Derriopes (Greek Δερρίοπες) was an Illyrian tribe[13] in Narona conventus with 14 decuriae.
Cavii (Latin Cavi) was an Illyrian tribe.[14] They lived close to lake Skodra. Their main settlement was Epicaria.[15] They are mentioned rarely by ancient writers.[16]
Chelidones (Greek Χελιδόνες) was an Illyrian tribe[17] whose name in Greek meant 'snail-men'. They lived in the Mat or Drin valleys.
Main article: Daorson
Daorsi or Duersi or Daorsii or Daorsei (Greek Δαόριζοι, Δαούρσιοι) was an Illyrian tribe.[18] Another name of the tribe was Daversi.[19] The Daorsi had suffered attacks[20] from the Delmatae that made them along with Issa[21] seek the aid of the Roman state. The Daorsi fought on the Roman side, providing them with their strong navy abandoning Caravantius. After the Illyrian Wars, the Daorsi were given immunity. Their most important city was Daorson. They had 17 decuriae.
Dassareti[22] (Greek Δασσαρῆται) was an Illyrian tribe. They were located between the Dardani and the Ardiaei.[23] Appian of Alexandria wrote in his Illyrian wars that according to the Ancient Greeks, Illyrius, the ancestor of the Illyrians, had a daughter, Dassaro, from whom sprang the Dassareti.[24]
Deuri (Greek Δερβανοί)[25] was an Illyrian tribe.[26] Other possible names are Derrioi and Derbanoi.[27] The Deuri had 25 decuriae.
Dyestes or Dyestae (Greek Δυέσται[28]) was an Illyrian tribe[29] located around the silver mines of Damastion. Only Strabo passingly mentions this tribe.
Main article: Enchele
The Enchelei or Sesarethii[30] (Greek Ἐγχελεῖς, Σεσαρηθίους (accusative of *Σεσαρήθιοι)[31]) were an Illyrian tribe.[32] Their name, given by the Greeks, meant "eel-men". In Greek mythology,[33]Cadmus and Harmonia ruled over them. Several locations are hypothesized for the Encheleans: around Lake Ohrid;[34] above Lake Ohrid or the region of Lynkestis south of the Taulantii.[35]
Main article: Maezaeis
Melcumani or Merromenoi or Melkomenioi (Greek Μελκομένιοι) was an Illyrian tribe.[39] The Melcumani had 24 decuriae.
Narensi or Narensii or Narensioi (Greek Ναρήνσιοι[40]) or Naresioi or Naresii (Greek Ναρήσιοι) was the name of a newly[41] formed Illyrian tribe[42] from various peoples at the river Naron. The Narensi had 102 decuriae.
Sardeates or Sardiotai (Latin Sardeates) was an Illyrian tribe close to Jajce.[26] Sardeates were later settled in Dacia.[44] The Sardeates had 52 decuriae.
Selepitani (Latin Selepitani) was an Illyrian tribe located below the Lake Scutari.
The Iapydes (or Iapodes, Japodes) [Greek,"Ιάποδες"] were an ancient people who dwelt north of and inland from the Liburnians, off the Adriatic coast and eastwards of the Istrian peninsula. The first written mention of an Illyrian tribe known as "Iapydes" is by Hecataeus of Miletus.
Baridustae were an Illyrian tribe that was later settled in Dacia[44] along with Pirustae and Sardeates.The Baridustae was a Dalmatian tribe.[47]
Docleatae or Dokleatai (Greek: Δοκλεάται) were an Illyrian tribe that lived in what is now Montenegro. Their capital was Doclea[48] (or Dioclea), and they are called after the town. They had settled west of the Morača river, up to Montenegro's present-day borders with Herzegovina. The Docleatae were prominent for their cheese, which was exported to various Roman provinces within the Roman Empire.[49] They were composed of parts of the Taulantii, the Pleraei or Pyraei, Endirudini, Sasaei, Grabaei, Labeatae[27] that came together after the Great Illyrian revolt. The Docleatae had 33 decuriae.
Endirudini or Enderini Interphrourinoi (Greek: Ιντερφρουρῖνοι[51]) was the name of an Illyrian tribe that became part of the Docleatae.[27] They were located on the east of lake Scodra at Enderon near Niksic.[contradictory]
Sasaei was the name of an Illyrian tribe that became part of the Docleatae.[27]
The Grabaei or Kambaioi (Greek: Καμβαῖοι)[51] were a minor Illyrian group that lived around Lake Scutari
Labeates or Labeatae (Greek: Λαβεάται) was an Illyrian tribe that lived (after being defeated by Parmenio) around Scodra.[53]
Deraemestae or Deraemistae (Latin Deraemistae) was the name of an Illyrian tribe.[54] The Deraemestae was composed of parts[55] of several other tribes such as the Ozuaei, Taulantii, Partheni,Hemasini, Arthitae and Armistae. The Deramestae had 30 decuriae.
Ozuaei or Oxuaioi (Greek: Ὀξυαῖοι[51]) was the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae.[55]
Hippasinoi or Hemasini (Greek: Ἱππασῖνοι)[56] was the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae.[55]
Arthitae was the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae.[55]
Armistae was the name of one of the tribes comprising the Deramestae
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